-sk iqsrv16 database server option

Specifies a system secure feature key that can be used to allow access to features that are secured for the database server.


iqsrv16 -sk key ...

Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


When you secure features for a database server by using the -sf option, you can also include the -sk option, which specifies a key that can be used with the sp_use_secure_feature_key system procedure to allow access to secured features for a connection. That connection can also use the sa_server_option system procedure to modify the features or feature sets that are secured for all databases running on the database server.

The key must be a non-empty string of at least six characters, and it cannot contain double quotes, control characters (any character less than 0x20), or backslashes. There is a limit of 1000 secure feature keys per database.

If the value for the authorization_key parameter of the sp_use_secure_feature_key system procedure is set to any value other than the one specified by -sk, no error is given and the features specified by -sf remain secured for the connection.

If you specify -sk without -sf, only the default secure features are enabled, but you can use the system secure feature key while the database server is running to change the secure feature settings.


The following command starts a database server named secure_server with the backup feature secured. The key specified by the -sk option can be used later to allow access to these features for a specific connection.

iqsrv16 -n secure_server -sf backup -sk j978kls12

Setting the authorization_key parameter to the value specified by -sk for a connection to a database running on the secure_server database server allows that connection to perform backups or change the features that are secured on the secure_server database server:

CALL sp_use_secure_feature_key ( 'MyKey' , 'j978kls12' );

The user can then secure all features for databases running on secure_server by executing the following statement:

CALL sa_server_option( 'SecureFeatures', 'all' );