-sf iqsrv16 database server option

Controls whether users have access to features for databases running on the current database server. A secured feature can only be accessed by a user with appropriate privileges, while an unsecured feature can be accessed by all users.


iqsrv16 -sf feature-list ...
feature-list :
feature-name | feature-set [ ,feature-name | feature-set ] ...
Feature set Included features (feature sets in bold)
none All features are unsecured except manage_features, manage_keys, and disk_sandbox.
  • processor_affinity
  • manage_features
  • manage_keys
  • manage_disk_sandbox
  • disk_sandbox
  • trace_system_event
  • read_client_file
  • write_client_file
  • remote_data_access
  • send_udp
  • send_email
  • web_service_client
  • local_call
    • cmdshell
    • external_procedure
    • java
  • local_db
    • backup
    • restore
    • database
    • dbspace
  • local_env
    • getenv
  • local_io
    • create_trace_file
    • read_file
    • write_file
    • directory
    • sp_list_directory
    • sp_create_directory
    • sp_copy_directory
    • sp_move_directory
    • sp_delete_directory
    • sp_copy_file
    • sp_move_file
    • sp_delete_file
  • local_log
    • request_log
    • console_log
    • webclient_log


Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


This option allows the owner of the database server to control whether users have access to features for databases running on the database server. The -sk option allows the owner of the database server to create a system secure feature key that prevents users from accessing features specified by the -sf option.

If you start a database without specifying a system secure feature key, the default secure features are secured, and you cannot change the secure feature settings for the database server or any databases running on it. You cannot create the system secure feature key later—you must shut down the database server and specify a system secure feature key when you restart it.

The feature-list is a comma-separated list of feature names or feature sets to secure for the database server. Securing a feature makes it inaccessible to all database users other than administrators. Specifying a feature set secures all the features included in the set. To secure one or more, but not all, of the features in the feature set, specify the individual feature name.

Note: Sub-features of feature sets that are secured by default, cannot be unsecured from the command line. In other words the following command will not work:
-sf manage_security, -manage_keys

Use feature-name to indicate that the feature should be secured (made inaccessible), and -feature-name or feature-name- to indicate that the feature should be unsecured (accessible to all database users). For example, the following command indicates that only dbspace features are accessible to all users:

iqsrv16 -n secure_server -sf all,-dbspace


The following command starts a database server named secure_server with access to the request log and with all remote data access features secured. The key specified by the -sk option can be used later with the sp_use_secure_feature_key system procedure to make these features accessible to all users on the current connection.

iqsrv16 -n secure_server -sf remote,-request_log -sk j978kls12

If a user connected to a database running on the secure_server database server uses the sp_use_secure_feature_key system procedure with the authorization_key parameter set to the same value as that specified by -sk, that connection has access to the remote data access features:

CALL sp_use_secure_feature_key ( 'MyKey' , 'j978kls12' );

The following command secures all features, with the exception of local database features:

iqsrv16 -n secure_server -sf all,-local_db