Security Management

SAP® Sybase® IQ provides a role-based security model to control access to database objects and the execution of privileged operations. A role-based security model provides complete control and granularity for the privileges you want to grant to users. Each privileged operation a user can perform in the database requires one or more system privilege or object-level privilege.

A system privilege is a right to perform an authorized database task. For example, the CREATE TABLE system privilege allows a user to create self-owned tables.

An object-level privilege is a right to perform an authorized task on a specified object. For example, having ALTER privileges on TableA allows a user to alter that table, but not other tables.

A role is a container which may contain one or more system, privileges, object-level privileges and other roles. Granting a role to a user is equivalent to granting the user the underlying system and object-level privileges of the role.

All new users are automatically granted the PUBLIC system role, which give users the ability to: Once you have created a new user, you can: Each new or migrated SAP Sybase IQ database includes a predefined set of roles you can use to get started. These system roles act as a starting point for implementing role-based security.
Note: If you are a pre-16.0 SAP Sybase IQ customer, it is recommended that you review the sections on how the security model has changed from the authority/permission/group model to the role/privilege/user-extended role model under Upgrading to Role-Based Security in the Migration document appropriate to your operating system.