Load Conversion Options

There are several conversion options for loading from flat files using the LOAD TABLE statement.

Option SAP Sybase IQ Data types Action
ASCII TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT (or INTEGER), UNSIGNED INT, BIGINT, UNSIGNED BIGINT, NUMERIC (or DECIMAL), REAL, DOUBLE, BIT, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP (or DATETIME) By default, SAP Sybase IQ assumes input data is binary of appropriate width for the data type. Using ASCII allows you to tell SAP Sybase IQ that data is in character format and lets you specify how wide it is. This option allows E notation for REAL data, but it might degrade performance.

If a problem occurs when converting these data types to CHAR or VARCHAR, SAP Sybase IQ logs the failure as an error or warning in the .iqmsg file. If the CONVERSION_ERROR option is ON, SAP Sybase IQ reports the problem as an error. If the CONVERSION_ERROR option is OFF, the problem is reported as a warning

ASCII CHAR, VARCHAR By default, SAP Sybase IQ assumes the same column width between source and destination columns, which may cause it to incorrectly read the input file. This option lets you specify a different width for the input column.
DATE DATE Converts ASCII date input of a fixed format to binary.
DATETIME TIMESTAMP (or DATETIME) or TIME Converts ASCII time or date/time input of a fixed format to binary. The input specification is based on either a 12-hour or 24-hour clock.
TIME TIME Converts ASCII time input of a fixed format to binary.
NULL all Lets you specify which input data values to convert to NULL on insert.
Note: When loading from a flat file, use binary data if you have a choice of using binary or character data. Using binary input may improve performance by eliminating conversion costs.
Related concepts
Explicit Data Conversions
Column Width Issues
Faster Date and Time Loads
ASCII Input Conversion
The DATE Option
The DATETIME Conversion Option
NULL Data Conversions