Creates an index on a specified table, or pair of tables. Once an index is created, it is never referenced in a SQL statement again except to delete it using the DROP INDEX statement.

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CREATEUNIQUE ] [ index-type ] INDEX [ IF NOT EXISTS ] index-nameONowner.]table-name
   … ( column-name [ , column-name ] …)
   …[ { IN | ON } dbspace-name ]
   …[ NOTIFY integer ]
   …[ DELIMITED BY 'separators-string‘ ]
   …[ LIMIT maxwordsize-integer ]

index-typeCMP | HG | HNG | LF | WD | DATE | TIME | DTTM }


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Warning!   Using the CREATE INDEX command on a local temporary table containing uncommitted data fails and generates the error message Local temporary table, <tablename>, must be committed in order to create an index. Commit the data in the local temporary table before creating an index.
Side Effects
  • Automatic commit


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  • SQL—Vendor extension to ISO/ANSI SQL grammar.
  • SAP Sybase Database product—Adaptive Server Enterprise has a more complex CREATE INDEX statement than SAP Sybase IQ. While the Adaptive Server Enterprise syntax is permitted in SAP Sybase IQ, some clauses and keywords are ignored. For the full syntax of the Adaptive Server Enterprise CREATE INDEX statement, see the Adaptive Server Enterprise Reference Manual, Volume 2: Commands.

Adaptive Server Enterprise indexes can be either clustered or nonclustered. A clustered index almost always retrieves data faster than a nonclustered index. Only one clustered index is permitted per table.

SAP Sybase IQ does not support clustered indexes. The CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED keywords are allowed by SAP SQL Anywhere, but are ignored by SAP Sybase IQ. If no index-type is specified, SAP Sybase IQ creates an HG index on the specified column(s).

SAP Sybase IQ does not permit the DESC keyword.

Index names must be unique on a given table for both SAP Sybase IQ and Adaptive Server Enterprise.


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Requires CREATE privilege on the dbspace where the index is being created. Also requires one of::