Estimating Space and Dbspaces Required

To avoid difficulties when a database or a particular dbspace is full, estimate dbspace requirements before you create the database and the objects in it.

You can run SAP Sybase IQ stored procedures to estimate how much space and how many dbspaces your databases will require.

  1. Run sp_iqestspace to estimate the amount of space you will need to create a database, based on the number of rows in the underlying database tables. For each table that you plan to create: sp_iqestspace table_name, rows[, iqpagesize]

    The amount of space needed by each table is returned as “RAW DATA index_size”.

  2. Run sp_iqestdbspaces to determine how many dbspace files to create from the given space and what size they should be. Use the total index sizes calculated in step number 5 as the minsize and maxsize parameters:
    sp_iqestdbspaces (dbsize [,iqpagesize] 
      [,minsize] [,maxsize] ...

All these calculations are estimates. Results vary based on the columns and indexes you create for your database. See Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and Procedures > System Procedures for syntax and usage notes for each procedure.