LogFormat Communication Parameter [LF]

Controls the format of messages written to the log file and which fields appear in them.






@T - @W - @I - @P - "@M @U @V" - @R - @L - @E


If the message string contains any of the following codes, the current values are substituted for the codes as each message is written.

  • The @ character

  • Date and time that processing of the request started, unless the request cannot be queued due to an error

  • Date and time that the client connected

  • Name of the database associated with the request

  • Text of the error message, if an error occurred

  • Date and time that processing of the request finished

  • IP address of the client

  • Length of the response, in bytes, including headers and body

  • HTTP request method

  • Listener port associated with the request

  • Date and time that the request was queued for processing, unless the request could not be queued due to an error

  • Status code and description of the HTTP response

  • HTTP status code

  • Date and time that the current log entry was written

  • Requested URI

  • Requested HTTP version

  • Time taken to process the request (@F – @B), or 0.000 if the request was not processed due to an error