-gd iqsrv16 database server option

Sets the privileges required to start or stop a database on a running database server.


iqsrv16 -gd { DBA | all | none } ...

Allowed values


The default setting is DBA for the network database server. Both uppercase and lowercase syntax are allowed.

Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


This option specifies the level of privilege required for a user to cause a new database file to be loaded by the database server, or to stop a database on a running database server.

When the option is set to DBA, the client application must use an existing connection to another database running on the same server to start and stop databases. You cannot start a database that is not already running by using the DatabaseFile connection parameter.

You can obtain the setting of the -gd option using the StartDBPermission server property:

SELECT PROPERTY ( 'StartDBPermission' );

The privileges for stopping a database server are specified by the -gk option.


The following steps illustrate how to use the -gd option for the network database server.

  1. Start the network database server:

    iqsrv16 -su mypwd -gd DBA -n my_server
  2. Connect to the utility database from Interactive SQL:

    dbisql -c "UID=DBA;PWD=mypwd;DBN=utility_db"
  3. Start a database:

    START DATABASE 'demo.db';
  4. Connect to the database: