-gl iqsrv16 Server Option

Set the permission required to load data using LOAD TABLE.


-gl level


The LOAD TABLE statement reads files from the database server machine. To control access to the file system using these statements, the -gl command-line switch allows you to control the level of database permission that is required to use these statements. level is either:
  • DBA – only users with the LOAD ANY TABLE, ALTER ANY TABLE or ALTER ANY OBJECT system privilege can load data.

  • ALL – all users can load data.

  • NONE – data cannot be loaded.

You can use either uppercase and lowercase syntax for the options.

The default settings are all for servers started with start_iq and dba for other servers. SAP Sybase recommends that, for consistency with earlier versions, you use the all value on all systems. The all setting is used in the iqdemo.cfg and default.cfg configuration files.