Examine Archived Data

Examine the archived database as of time t0.

  1. Copy the archived read-only db.db0 to a read-write file db.db0.working.
  2. Start db.db0.working.

    As long as the server name db.db0.working does not conflict with the production system db.db, there is no need to stop the production system. The db.db0.working server opens A, B, C, and D in read-only mode; the catalog opens in read-write mode.

    On a UNIX-like OS, this does not interfere with db.db's use of these files. Windows returns a sharing violation.

  3. Create user inv; an investigator who wants to examine the archived database.
  4. Grant inv RESOURCE permission to create views, stored procedures, global or local temporary tables or any other structures necessary for the investigation.
    db.db0 as well as A,B, and C remain unchanged.