Displaying Header Information

The RESTORE... CATALOG ONLY option reads only the backup header from the archive, and writes the results to the backup log in the same format as the log entry. RESTORE... CATALOG ONLY does not restore any data, either from the catalog store or the IQ store.

Include database-name and archive_device as part of the command. Omit any additional clauses:
RESTORE DATABASE 'database-name'
    FROM 'archive_device' 
This example reads the iqdemo archive:
    FROM '/disk1/users/jones/backup/iqdemo' 
and writes this result to the backup log:
RESTORE, -1988637423.0, bigendian_420111.db,
        ASIQ, '2013-01-11
        06:57:00.000', DBA, Full, Arch, bigendian_420111_backup, ''   
BACKUP, 453495113.0, iqdemo.db, ASIQ, '2013-01-23 10:33:00.000', DBA,
        Full, Arch, /disk1/users/jones/backupiqdemo, ''   
RESTORE, 453496081.0, ,  ASIQ , '2013-01-23 10:33:00.000', DBA, 
        Full, Arch, /disk1/users/jones/backup/iqdemo,
Note: You can get more information about the backup archive using the command line utility db_backupheader, which accepts the file path corresponding to the first backup archive. The utility reads the backup archive file. It does not connect to the database.
Related concepts
Database Restore
Verifying Database Backups
Restoring to Raw Devices
Restoring Cache Dbspaces
Moving Database Files
Restoring Multiplex Stores
Error Recovery