Known Issues for Event Stream Processor Studio

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for ESP Studio.

Studio Issues
CR# Description

Deleting the key column from a named schema does not update the CCL editor. The CCL editor shows the column as a primary key and the project does not compile successfully.

Inline schema does not cause this problem. Update the project in the CCL editor to compile successfully.


When running example projects from the Learning perspective, the Stream View is empty for some streams.

If you are running a project in the Learning perspective and you are working with a small data set, work around this issue by changing the stream view pulsed subscribe interval value to 0.

Set the interval back to its default value of 1 before working with any other projects.

699246 When you are compiling a project through the Studio and the compiler encounters an implicit record cast where one or more record fields will be set to null at run-time, it should generate a warning message but does not. The warning does display if you compile from the command line.
715436 When connected to a remote cluster, playback within Studio may stop working after a number of successful playbacks. If it does, restart the Studio.

The Studio incorrectly lists the HTTP output adapter with the input adapters. The adapter functions correctly as an output adapter, but is listed in the Input adapters drawer within Studio.

To add an HTTP output adapter to your Studio diagram, select it from the Input adapters drawer and configure it as necessary for output.


The ESP input adapter is available in the Studio palette. The adapter is required for internal processing, but it is not a supported adapter.

If you want to connect to another Event Stream Processor project, use stream binding instead. For more information, see the Studio Users Guide.


Studio replaces adapter passwords with asterisks when switching from the Visual Authoring view to the text editor. It may also drop some required adapter properties.

To work around this issue, open the adapter's cnxml file in the text editor, replace the password, and verify that all required properties are present.