Known Issues for SDKs

Learn about known issues for the Event Stream Processor SDKs.

SDK Issues
CR# Description

When using the .NET SDK, to avoid memory leaks when running the example, in the SubsriberExample.cs file located in the $ESP_HOME/examples/net/SubscriberExample folder, replace:

while (!done)
    event1 = subscriber.get_next_event(espError);
    switch (event1.getType())



while (!done)
    event1 = subscriber.get_next_event(espError);
    switch (event1.getType())

In the NetEspRelativeRowWriter class, the signature for the set_binary method has changed from:
int32_t set_binary(IntPtr^ binary_value, uint32_t size, NetEspError^ error);
int32_t set_binary(array<Byte>^ buffer, uint32_t size, NetEspError^ error);
Update the existing applications that use Event Stream Processor .NET SDK and call on NetEspRelativeRowWriter.set_binary to use the new method signature.
715262 If a .NET application that compiled with the .NET SDK dll in ESP5.0 cannot run in ESP5.1, compile it with the .NET SDK dll in ESP5.1.
716418 There is no default operation for the RelativeRowWriter's setOperation method, so you must explicitly set the operation. This does not apply to C and .NET as they default to INSERT.