Manually Registering an Application

Manually register an application synchronously or ansynchronously by using the user name and activation code of the application registered through the Sybase Control Center.


-(void) registerUser : (NSString *) username
withActivationCode: (NSString *) activationCode
-(void) registerUserAsynchronousWithUserName: (NSString *) username
activationCode: (NSSting *) activationCode


  • username – User name of the user to be registered.
  • activationCode – Activation code of the user created in SCC.


  • Synchronous Registration of an application without a delegate
    LiteSUPUserManager* userManager = [LiteSUPUserManager getInstance:@"APP_ID"];
              [userManager setConnectionProfile:@"" withSupPort:5001 withServerFarmID:@"0"];
        @try {
                      // Manual On-boarding
                    [userManager registerUser:@"manualuser" withActivationCode:@"123"]; 
     @catch (NSException * e) {
                    // Exception Handling
  • Asynchronous Registration of an application using a delegate – The user registration runs as a background process and has to have a delegate registered to provide success/failure notifications.
    LiteSUPUserManager* userManager = [LiteSUPUserManager getInstance:@"APP_ID"];
              [userManager setDelegate:self];
              [userManager setDidFailToRegisterUser:@selector(regFailed:)];
              [userManager setDidSuccessfulUserRegistration:@selector(regSuccess:)];
              [userManager setConnectionProfile:@"" withSupPort:5001 withServerFarmID:@"0"];
     [userManager registerUserAsynchronousWithUserName:@"manualuser" activationCode:@"123"];