Automatically Registering an Application using X.509 Certificates

Registering a user automatically using an X.509 Certificate. This certificate is fetched from a certificate authority and verified by the server.


-(void) registerUser: (NSString *) username
withSecurityConfig: (NSString *) securityConfig
withPassword: (NSString *) password
withVaultPassword: (NSString *) vaultPassword


  • username – User name of the user to be registered.
  • securityConfig – Security configuration for the registered application provided by the administrator in the Sybase Control Center
  • password – Contains the Base64 encoded string of the certificate library.
  • vaultPassword – Password of the vault data store.


  • Automatically registering an application using X.509 certificates
    @try {
    LiteSUPCertificateStore* store = [LiteSUPCertificateStore getInstance];
    NSString* base64cert = [store getSignedCertificateFromFile:<filepath> withCertificatePassword:<password>];
    [userManager registerUser:<username> withSecurityConfig:<security_config> withPassword:base64cert];// withVaultPassword:<vaultpassword>];
    @catch (NSException * exception) {
    	NSLog(@"%@", [exception reason]);