Automatically Registering an Application using SSO2 Cookie

Registering an application automatically using an SSO2 Token Cookie. The token is fetched from a ticket issuing system and verified by the server.


-(void) registerUser: (NSString *) username
withSecurityConfig: (NSString *) securityConfig
withPassword: (NSString *) password
withVaultPassword: (NSString *) vaultPassword


  • username – User name of the ticket issuing system.
  • securityConfig – Security configuration for the registered application provided by the administrator in the Sybase Control Center
  • password – Password used to authenticate the user.
  • securityConfig – Password of the vault data store.


  • Automatically registering an application using SSO2 Cookie
    @try {
    [userManager registerUser:<username> withSecurityConfig:@"SSO2Cookie" with-Password:<serverpassword>]; withVaultPassword:<vaultpassword>];
    @catch (NSException* e) {
    	// Exception Handling