Encrypting a Sensitive Property in CSI.PROPERTIES

Generate an encrypted string to use as the sensitive property value in the csi.properties configuration file.

  1. Run the following command to generate the encrypted string, changing the path according to your Unwired Platform installation home (the example assumes default location C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform).java -jar C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\lib\ext\csi-tool.jar csi.encmessage @C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\CSI\csibootstrap.properties --text secret
    Example Output:
    CSITool 4.2 (c) Copyright 2005-2007 Sybase, Inc. (4.2M6/2011/09/08 11:19:05 PDT)
    Running task: csi.encmessage
    Successfully encrypted message.  The output was sent to stdout.
  2. Edit C:\Sybase\SCC-3_2\conf\csi.properties and update sensitive.
    For example, "CSI.loginModule.XX.options.BindPassword.e" for the SUP LDAP login module) with the encrypted string generated in the previous step. Replace "XX" with the index assigned to the login module entry in your csi.properties. The suffix ".e" denotes the property value is encrypted.
  3. Edit C:\Sybase\SCC-3_2\bin\scc.properties and add jvmopt=-Dcom.sybase.security.BootstrapConfigurationURL=file:///C:/Sybase/UnwiredPlatform/Servers/UnwiredServer/Repository/CSI/csibootstrap.properties
  4. Copy the keystore file C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\CSI\csikeystore.jceks to C:\Sybase\SCC-3_2.
  5. Restart SCC. Verify agent.log to ensure no errors occurred while decrypting the password.
    Repeat this step for all SCC nodes that require password encryption.