Validating the Production "Admin" Security Configuration

Once LDAP has been added as a provider to both the "admin" security configuration for Unwired Server and the CSI property file for Sybase Control Center you can test the login before removing the PreconfiguredUser login module from both components' configurations.

  1. Log in to Sybase Control Center using the login values of an LDAP user that is in an LDAP group mapped to the "SUP Administrator" logical role.
  2. If the login succeeds:
    1. Remove PreconfiguredUser login module from Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center setup locations.
    2. Reduce the logging levels for both Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center to Info or Warn.
    1. Restart Unwired Server.
  3. If the login fails:
    1. Check Sybase Control Center's log in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\SCC-X_X\log\agent.log to see if authentication failed with this component.
    2. If no issues are identified, continue checking with the Unwired Server log in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\logs\<ClusterName>-server.log.
    3. If no issues are immediately apparent, review security issues documented in Troubleshooting for possible resolution guidelines.