Preconfigured User Login Security Provider

Preconfigured login is configured to authenticate the supAdmin user with a password that was defined when Unwired Platform was installed. Therefore, an administrator must use supAdmin with <supAdminPwd> when initially logging in to Sybase Control Center for the first time.

Note: Do not forget this installer-defined password. The installer hashes the password with a SHA-256 algorithm before it is saved as part of the PreconfiguredLoginModule configuration, and it cannot be returned to clear text once it is hashed.

Once logged in, the Unwired Platform administrator immediately reconfigures the "admin" security configuration to replace this provider with a production-grade security provider like LDAP. If you configure a new provider in Unwired Platform and Sybase Control Center and login fails, review possible login failure solutions in the Troubleshooting guide.

Related tasks
Adding a Production-Grade Provider
Enabling Authentication and RBAC for Administrator Logins
Related reference
Preconfigured User Authentication Properties