Configuring an SAP Java Connector Connection Using SNC to an SAP Server

Create a Java Connection (JCo) to an SAP Server in Unwired Server from Sybase Control Center where SNC is required.

Start Unwired Server services and log in to Sybase Control Center as the administrator, and download and install the SAP cryptographic libraries.

The SAP JCo connection provides access for various client types, including those that use SSO2 tokens and X.509 certificates.

  1. Expand the cluster, expand the Domains folder, expand the domain to which the package is to be deployed, and select Connections.
  2. Select the Connections tab and click New. Name the connection pool SAP Server, select SAP as the Connection pool type, select the SAP SNC template, and enter appropriate properties for the SAP enterprise information system (EIS) to which you are connecting. For example:
    • Language (jco.client.lang) = EN
    • Host name (jco.client.ashost) =
    • System number (jco.client.sysnr) = 00
    • SNC mode (jco.client.snc_mode) = 1
    • SNC name (jco.snc_myname) = p:CN=SNCTEST, O=Sybase, L=Dublin, SP=California, C=US
    • SNC service library path (jco.client.snc_lib) = C:/sapcryptolib/sapcrypto.dll (the location of the cryptographic library)
    • Client number (jco.client.client) = 100
    • SNC partner (jco.client.snc_partnername) = p:CN=sap-doe-vm1, OU=SUP, O=Sybase, C=US
    • SNC level (jco.client.snc_qop) = 1
  3. Click Test Connection to verify access to the SAP server, and click OK.