Why Configuration of Sybase Control Center Must Be Coordinated With Unwired Server

Learn about configuration defaults of Sybase Control Center after installation.

When Sybase Control Center is installed, it includes a file called csi.properties, which is used to define its security providers. For production installations, this file includes a single provider definition:
## SUP PreConfiguredUser Login Module
CSI.loginModule.2.options.moduleName=SUP PreConfiguredUser Delegation Login Module
A separate file defines how roles are mapped (roles-map.xml), and contains these default mappings:
<module name="SUP PreConfiguredUser Login Module">
    <role-mapping modRole="SUP Administrator" uafRole="uaAnonymous,uaAgentAdmin,uaPluginAdmin,sccAdminRole,sccUserRole,sccOperRole,sccGuestRole,jmxDirectAccess"/>
    <role-mapping modRole="SUP Domain Administrator" uafRole="uaAnonymous,uaAgentAdmin,uaPluginAdmin,sccUserRole,sccOperRole,sccGuestRole,jmxDirectAccess"/>

Together, these security and role mapping definitions tell Sybase Control Center to use the Unwired Server's configuration to authenticate Sybase Control Center logins, as well as to retrieve roles.

The roles-map.xml settings are looking for our built-in SUP Administrator and SUP Domain Administrator logical roles and it granting all necessary Sybase Control Center roles to the user. Whenever you are using Sybase Control Center, the Unwired Server is always going to authenticate the user against this configuration and determine if they have the "SUP Administrator" and/or "SUP Domain Administrator" logical roles. Therefore, Sybase Control Center must share the same configuration details used by the configuration used for Unwired Server administration (that is, the providers and properties defined by "admin" security configuration).

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