Gathering Information on the LDAP Directory

Production environments rely on an LDAP directory to authenticate administrators. Consider which users need to be in the SUP Administrator or SUP Domain Administrator role, then identify or create LDAP groups corresponding to these roles. You must also allocate a group for the DCN User role.

Note: If you have installed a previous version of Unwired Platform as part of a development deployment, you may have an OpenDS LDAP server running in your environment and both Unwired Platform and Sybase Control Center may be using this directory. Sybase no longer uses this directory and strongly encourages that you use a different LDAP directory and use the new one when configuring administration authentication for the current version of Unwired Platform.
  1. Use an LDAP browser to evaluate existing groups.
    If there are existing groups that seem to already contain the right subjects that correspond to SUP DCN User, SUP Administrator, and SUP Domain Administrator platform roles, you can use those groups. The names need not be exact, as you can map them in Sybase Control Center to address those differences.
  2. If no sufficient group exists, use an LDAP browser (or other native adminisration tool) to add them.
  3. Add subjects to these groups to assign Unwired Platform corresponding permissions.
  4. Determine what values are needed for LDAP login module properties in Unwired Platform.
    For example, providerURL, serverType, bind user, bind password, search base are values frequently used when configuring the login module for LDAP providers.