Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center Communications

There are two different communication streams used to communicate with the Sybase Control Center administration tool: one for communications with the Sybase Control Center web console, and one for the communications with the Sybase Control Center X.X Windows service.

Communications between Unwired Server and the Sybase Control Center X.X Windows service use IIOPS on port 2001 by default. While Unwired Platform installs a sample certificate to enable the use of IIOPS automatically, you should exchange the certificate with a production-ready one immediately following installation.

There are two self-signed certificates that need to be changed: one for Unwired Server, and one for Sybase Control Center.

Note: The certificate alias of the default certificate that is used by both the IIOPS listener, and HTTPS listener for DCN, is sample1. When replace the IIOPS default certificate with a production certificate and keep the same alias, then you change the certificate for both of these listeners at the same time.
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Changing Installed Certificates Used for Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center HTTPS Listeners