Enabling Authentication for Data Change Notifications

(Not applicable to Online Data Proxy) Data change notifications (DCN) are always authorized by the "SUP DCN User" logical role. The DCN servlets through which the HTTP DCN requests are sent are configured to require HTTP Basic authentication and then check this role.

  1. In Sybase Control Center, ensure that the MBO package that is the target of DCN uses the "admin" security configuration, and that an HTTP Basic authentication provider is configured for DCN.
  2. Ensure that the user name specified in the HTTPS Basic authentication response needs is formatted as:
    This format ensures that authentication/authorization happens in the correct security context.
    Note: In some ActiveDirectory configurations, the username may have the form user@activeDirectoryDomain. If a DCN user is fred@acme.com, and the security configuration is named "myCustomConfig", then the username specified for DCN request must be "fred@acme.com@myCustomConfig".
Related concepts
HTTP Basic Security Provider
Related reference
HTTP Basic Authentication Properties