Planning a Silent Uninstallation

Review the content of the default SilentUninstall_Win.txt file and determine what changes you need to make to selectively remove Unwired Platform server components in the uninstallation.

  1. Locate the SilentUninstall_Win.txt file in the <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Uninstallers\UnwiredPlatform\ directory, on the host where you want to run a silent uninstallation.
    If Unwired Platform server components were not installed silently, the SilentUninstall_Win.txt file is not present. Copy the SilentUninstall_Win.bat script and SilentUninstall_Win.txt file to that location from the root directory of the Sybase Unwired Platform Runtime installation media.
  2. Open the SilentUninstall_Win.txt file in a text editor and review the current settings.

    Comments preceding each group of settings describe the valid options, and any special requirements for the entry. Any component identified with .activeForUninstall=true will be uninstalled.

  3. Determine the Unwired Platform server components you want to keep.
    The default settings remove all Unwired Platform server components.