Upgrading Relay Servers

To upgrade Relay Servers that were installed with Unwired Platform version 2.0, you must uninstall the Relay Server components on Web server hosts, and replace them with the components supplied on the Unwired Platform Runtime version 2.1 installation media.

When you upgrade an Unwired Platform system from version 2.0 to 2.1, upgrading existing Relay Servers (from version 11.x to 12.0.1) is optional.

  1. Shut down the Relay Server.
    1. Shut down the Web server application.
    2. Shut down the Relay Server State Manager service.
  2. Save the existing Relay Server configuration file (rs.config) for use with the new Relay Server components.
  3. Delete all Relay Server components installed on the Web server host.
    • On an IIS host, delete the wwwroot\ias_relay_server\ directory, including all files and subdirectories.
    • On an Apache host, delete all Relay Server libraries and executables in the modules\ directory, and all Relay Server components installed elsewhere on the Apache host.
Use instructions in the related topic to install new Relay Server components.
Related tasks
Installing Relay Servers