Updating the Database Connection Profile

Due to JDBC driver location changes, beginning in Sybase Unwired Platform version 2.1. ESD #3, the existing database connection profile may fail to ping/connect with this exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver.

If you see this error, change the JDBC driver location. For example, for a SQL Anywhere® connection profile:
  1. In Enterprise Explorer, right-click the database connection profile, and select Properties.
  2. In the left pane, select Sybase ASA Connection Properties.
  3. Click the upper-right triangle button to invoke the Edit Driver Definition dialog.
  4. Select the Jar List tab, and select the driver file entry that contains the incorrect JDBC driver file path, then click the Edit JAR/Zip button to invoke the Select the file dialog.
  5. Click Look in to specify the path. For example: SUP_HOME\Unwired_WorkSpace\\Eclipse\sybase_workspace\framework\eclipse\plugins\com.sybase.jconnect_7.0.0.201211301842\lib.
  6. Click OK to complete the driver definition location change.
  7. Click OK to complete the connection profile properties change.