Resetting the supAdmin Password

If you do not remember the current supAdmin password, you can reset it manually.

This procedure is for Sybase Unwired Platform version 2.x.x or later.

Note: You must contact your IT department or administrator before changing or resetting the password. Only the person who has the right permission to change these files should perform this procedure.
  1. Use a text editor to edit the file located in UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\SCC_XX\conf to add a No Auth Login Module as shown:
    ## SUP No Auth Login module
    CSI.loginModule.6.options.moduleName=No Auth Login Module
  2. Open the Unwired Server default.xml file, located in UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\CSI\conf and modify the following section as shown:
    <options encrypted="false" name="password" 
    value="{TXT:}s3pAdmin" />
    Your file should look similar to this:
    <authenticationProvider controlFlag="optional" name="">
    <options name="username" value="supAdmin"/>
    <options name="roles" value="SUP Administrator,SUP Domain Administrator,SUP DCN User"/>
    <options encrypted="true" name="password" value="{TXT:}s3pAdmin"/>
    These changes are telling Sybase Unwired Platform the new password is s3pAdmin. You can put any password you want in here. As long as you are using the syntax {TXT:}

    You are also telling Unwired Platform that the password is not encrypted. You will encrypt the password later in this procedure.

  3. Save the file.
  4. Edit the roles-map.xml file located in UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\SCC-XX\conf to add a No Auth Login Module entry as shown:
    <module name=''No Auth Login Module''>
          <role-mapping modRole=''uaAgentAdmin'' uafRole=''uaAnonymous,uaAgentAdmin,uaPluginAdmin,sccAdminRole,sccUserRole,sccOperRole,sccGuestRole,jmxDirectAccess''/>
    If this module already exists, you can skip this step This step allows anyone to log in to Sybase Control Center. This entry is removed in a later step, after you change the password. Unwired Server remains secure and the supAdmin user can access it only by providing the password configured in step 2.
  5. Save the file and restart Unwired Server.
  6. Restart Sybase Control Center.
    Each time a manual change is made to Unwired Platform configuration files, you must restart Unwired Platform services. Manual changes performed in Sybase Control Center do not require you to restart Unwired Platform services.
  7. Go to the Sybase Control Center URL: https://localhost:8283/scc.
  8. Log in to Sybase Control Center using supAdmin for the user and whatever password you set in the {TXT:} format in step 2 (s3pAdmin in the example).
  9. When login succeeds, Sybase Control Center opens the management view on the local Unwired Server.
  10. In Sybase Control Center, expand the Security node:.
    1. Click admin.
    2. Click Authentication and select PreConfiguredUserLoginModule for the supAdmin user.
    3. Click Properties, and enter the new password.
    4. Click anywhere else in the UI to enable the Save button, then click Save.
    5. When you see the warning message, click OK, then click the General tab.
    6. Click Apply.
      You see another warning.
    7. Click OK.
      You should see that the system is rebuilding the configuration files and is busy. When the process completes, you see a Successfully saved message.
  11. Log out of Sybase Control Center.
  12. Log in to Sybase Control Center using the supAdmin login and the new password (in this example, s3pAdmin).
  13. Go to the ...\UnwiredServer\Repository\CSI folder and verify default.xml to see if the updated value is there (no more {TXT:} like format data).
    <authenticationProvider controlFlag="optional" name="">
    <options name="username" value="supAdmin"/>
    <options name="roles" value="SUP Administrator,SUP Domain Administrator,SUP DCN User"/>
    <options encrypted="true" name="password" value="1-AAAAEgQQWd8NguXX5nswpWF1vUFPtcJhjmoiSYUzEAAiY3vWkZ+Y/33cWAoUD+EV/D80Yo4vie/XIyZVoBZbTT9ijxHDe7wbIBsagzS0DdAvS5lTRvRRNVp83+pTjQ3mmMNt5FmxrGvUV5fVQ2JI1YaTPbd+Tw=="/>
    Once you successfully log in using the newly set password, remove the No Auth Login Module entries that you added to the file and the roles-map.xml file (the roles-map.xml file is optional since by itself this does not enable anything). After you remove the No Auth Login Module entries, restart Sybase Control Center for the change to take effect.