Known Issues for Native Object API

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Native Object API and custom development.

Issue NumberDescription
CR 707244
ARC applications fail due to SUPApplication and SUPBASICTYPES implementation.

If you use ARC (memory management for iOS) in development, for example, with iOS 5 when creating Object API applications, the ARC applications will fail. The singleton implementation in SUPApplication and SUPBASIC TYPES is incorrect.

Workaround: Request patch from CS&S.

CR 692374
Enabling compression incurs additional processing on the device and the server side to optimize the amount of data to be transferred over the network.

Workaround: Carefully evaluate whether the compression trade-off is appropriate in the deployment environment, and carefully size the server capacity to support it. If appropriate in a particular environment, follow the Sybase Unwired Platform Developer Guides to enable compression.

CR 675716
SQLite cannot support create operations with more than 3MB of data, which is roughly 128 columns at 64KB per column on Windows Mobile devices.

In Windows Mobile applications that use message-based synchronization, when a row reaches 3MB or more, and the client invokes the SQLite create operation during subscription, an internal exception is generated, data import fails, and the import operation fails to commit the transaction.

Workaround: Use bulk load instead of the common subscribe, which first initializes the client database, then downloads the database from Unwired Server to the client.