Known Issues for Sybase Unwired WorkSpace – Mobile Business Object Development

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for Unwired WorkSpace and mobile business object (MBO) development.

CR #Description
Operation/Synchronization/Load parameter's Personalization Key value takes precedence over Default Value. When the parameter is assigned both, personalization key value will be in effect during runtime.

Workaround: When the operation/load/sync parameters of an MBO has a personalization key assigned, and the personalization key has a default value, or it is not nullable, which indicates it is bound to to a value during runtime, do not assign a Default Value to this parameter. This value is ignored during runtime, and the personalization key value is used instead.

When using STRING and BINARY datatypes without explicit length, Unwired WorkSpace internally uses 300 for STRING, and 32768 for BINARY. These values cause runtime data truncation if the EIS backend data requires larger size. These values may also cause unnecessary large page size during Object API code generation, and might cause device performance and memory issues.

Workaround: Double-check all MBO attributes and operation parameters with STRING and BINARY datatypes that do not have explicit length specified, and ensure setting a proper length based on your EIS backend knowledge to avoid data truncation.

When Unwired WorkSpace is uninstalled and reinstalled in a different directory, you get an ClassNotFoundException message if the old workspace is used and you connect using the JDBC connection profile.

Workaround: Switch to a new workspace or manually change the JDBC driver path to the correct location.

For web service and other data sources with very complex structures with deeply nested element trees, StackOverflow or OutOfMemory may occur, or some of the operation input parameters may not be generated properly.

Workaround: Increase the stack and heap size of the Eclipse runtime parameter in UnwiredWorkSpace.bat with -Xmx, -Xms, -Xss arguments, or reduce the complexity or nested level of WebService definition of the MBO operation.

If the MBO's single attribute primary key is changed to a composite primary key, Unwired WorkSpace automatically generates redundant object queries for each added primary key attribute with Create Index selected. This behavior causes client device database performance issues.
  • For a findByPrimaryKey object query with multiple primary key attributes, remove the redundant findByPrimaryKey queries.
  • For any object query, check if the index/indices are needed and remove the unnecessary index/indices.
A binary or string synchronization parameter's length cannot exceed 500.

If a binary or string synchronization parameter exceeds this length and is used to partition the Unwired Server cache, a runtime error occurs when the client calls the Synchronize() method.

Workaround: Ensure the length of a synchronization parameter of type STRING or BINARY does not exceed 500 bytes to avoid device client runtime errors.

Error: Cannot set the property eclipse.pdebuild.home. It looks like PDE Build has been altered shows in the eclipse error log.

This error may occur when deploying a client application to Windows Mobile or BlackBerry. You could be deploying something as simple as a department table from sampledb.

Workaround:This is a known Eclipse issue and can be ignored. See for details.

When generating MBO attributes from an Adaptive Server® Enterprise table, Visual SQL may display a SQLSTATE=42000 error message.

Because Unwired WorkSpace cannot retrieve the datatype of the parameter in the where clause when you access Visual SQL, the datatype is set to String by default, which can lead to a type conversion error.

Workaround: Ignore the warning message. The MBO is created successfully.

When you drag and drop a stored procedure that uses one of several datatypes as a parameter or returns a resultset with a column of one of these types to a new MBO, the resultset contains only the RETURN_VALUE row.

The affected datatypes are: long varbit, varbit, uniqueidentifier, xml, long nvarchar, nchar, and nvarchar.

Workaround: None.

The correct Date/Datetime/Time datatype cannot be retrieved when you create an MBO; the datatype is incorrectly set to String.

When you create a database MBO, the table columns with Date/Datetime/Time type will be converted to String incorrectly.

  1. Correct the String type to DATE/DATETIME/TIME and provide a default value in the MBO creation wizard.
  2. Perform a similar correction in the Attributes tab in the Properties view.
Use the rtrim function in relationships between two string attributes that map from a char field.

When the enterprise information system (EIS) is a SQL Anywhere database and you create a relationship between two string attributes that map from a char field, and the nullability setting for the char field in the parent table is not null, the char field in child table is nullable. The relationship does not work.

Workaround: Manually update the query statement for the parent MBO to apply the rtrim() function to the char field in the column list.

For example, if the original query for the parent MBO is:
select region from sampledb.dbo.sales_regions
update the SQL statement to:
select rtrim(region) as region from sampledb.dbo.sales_regions
Cannot generate code with Javadoc option enabled to a folder containing Chinese characters

When using the code generation wizard, if you enable the option to generate javadoc, you cannot generate the code to a folder containing Chinese characters without first changing the Language for non-uniode programs to Chinese.

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Regional and Language Options, then click the Advanced tab.
  3. From the drop-down list, select Chinese, and click Apply.
  4. Click OK.