Perl Driver Module

DBD::SybaseASE is the Adaptive Server database driver for the Perl scripting language.

The DBD::SybaseASE database driver for the Perl scripting language is called through the generic Perl DBI interface and translates Perl DBI API calls into a form that is understood by Adaptive Server through the Open Client SDK using CT-Library.

Using DBI and DBD::SybaseASE, your Perl scripts can directly access Adaptive Server Enterprise database servers.

The generic Perl DBI API specification defines a set of methods that provide a database interface that is independent of the actual database being used.

The Perl DBI programmable API calls are documented at .

Note: The DBD::SybaseASE driver cannot function without the DBI. The DBI contains all user-visible APIs.

Required Components

Access to an Adaptive Server database using the Perl programming language requires the following components:

Version Requirements

For information about platform support, see the Software Developers Kit and Open Server Installation Guide for your platform.

Note: The build mode of the Perl driver released for your platform also dictates the build mode of your Perl installation and the DBI. As an example, for Linux the driver is released in 64-bit mode with threading enabled. This means Perl must be configured in full 64-bit mode with threading enabled. The build mode requirement also applies to the DBI interface.