Deploying State Bundles

To deploy custom-state bundles, make the files available to Brand Mobiliser at runtime, and configure the states to start automatically.

  1. Copy the bundle .jar files to BRAND_HOME/bundle/application.

    This directory contains all the bundles that are deployed to the Brand Mobiliser runtime environment.

    Note: Brand Mobiliser system bundles are installed in BRAND_HOME/bundle.
  2. Edit the BRAND_HOME/conf/ file to add the new custom-state file to the list of bundles that are started automatically. = ${}/customState-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

    All state bundles are listed in the file. Brand Mobiliser reinitializes its bundle cache each time it starts.

  3. Restart the Brand Mobiliser server.
    To verify that no errors occurred, check these log files:
    • brand.log
    • felix.log
    • spring.log
    • persist.log
    If there are errors, check the Spring configuration and the import/private/dynamic package specifications.
To verify that bundles resolve and start, use either Telnet or the AIMS System Web console (both require access to localhost).