Accessing Input Variables

You can access input variables that are in a custom state using either the getInputValue method or the getInputValueWithWarning method.

The signatures of the methods you can call to access input variables are:
public InputValue getInputValue()
   throws DBException;
public InputValue getInputValueWithWarning() 
   throws DBException, RequiredParameterMissingException;
To retrieve optional input variables, call getInputValue. A null value is returned if either an input variable is not provided, or if the session variable that the input variable is assigned to does not exist.
InputValue iv = optionalVar.getInputValue();  
if (iv != null) {        
  retrieve the value
To retrieve mandatory input variables, call getInputValueWithWarning. The exception RequiredParameterMissingException is raised if either an input variable is not provided, or if the session variable that the input variable is assigned to does not exist. You can retrieve all mandatory input variables in the same try/catch block.
try {           
  Long id = mandatoryIdVar.getInputValueWithWarning().getLong();     
  Integer count = mandatoryCountVar.getInputValueWithWarning().getInt();
catch (RequiredParameterMissingException rex) {
  return continueFail();
Note: The RequiredParameterMissingException::getMessage method indicates the mandatory variable that is missing.
Both methods that access input variables return the InputValue class. InputValue methods return values that you enter in the state editor when you configure an input attribute; return values can be either constants or session-variable names:
Related concepts
Input and Output Parameters
Custom State Variables
Defining Input Variables
Defining Output Variables
List Variables