esp_iqloader Archive Configuration

Element definitions of the XML configuration file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PlatformArchive xmlns:xsi=""
	archive definition	

The PlatformArchive element serves as the header element. The example above assumes that the esp_iqloader.xsd schema file is located in the /install/etc directory. If it is not, replace that path with the actual path to the schema file.

Note: After the header, you can define the objects used in the archive configuration in any order. The following describes the syntax for each of the objects that can be included.


<SybaseIQ id="DestinationName" dsn="DsnName">
Element Definition
DestinationName Name of the destination. Ensure the DestinationName is a unique name within the configuration file.
DsnName Name of the data source name found in the odbc.ini file. This element describes a Sybase IQ target and provides a way to specify the bulk load options specific to the target. More than one element of this kind may be specified, but only one target can be used for a given esp_iqloader instance.

This name is case-sensitive. Ensure it matches exactly the entry in the odbc.ini file


<Option name="OptionName" value="OptionValue"/>
Element Definition
OptionName Case-insensitive name of the LOAD TABLE statement option.
OptionValue Value for the LOAD TABLE statement option. There may be any number of options specified and a particular option may be repeated more than once. However, only the most recent value is picked up.

esp_iqloader does not attempt to validate the options. Options are validated by the LOAD TABLE statement; any errors cause the LOAD TABLE statement and the archive process to exit.


<Streams id="CollectionName">
	<Stream .../>
	<Stream .../>
Element Definition
CollectionName Name of collection of streams to be archived. This can be any name as long as it is unique within the configuration file.

Ensure at least one <Streams> element is defined and contains at least one <Stream> element.


<Stream sourceName="SourceName"
	[timestampLocation="{first | last}"]
Element Definition
SourceName Name of the stream in the Event Stream Processor. This name is case-sensitive. For example, ensure the name matches the name of the stream as it is specified in the XML project.
TargetName Name of the table in the target database. The case-sensitivity of this name depends on the type of the destination.
LogStreamName (Required) Name of the stream in the Event Stream Processor that contains the transaction logs for the stream to archive.
ControlStreamName (Required) Name of the control stream to be used as input to the log stream. This stream is used to control the purging of the archived transaction logs in the log stream. If the persistent subscribe pattern in the Event Stream Processor Studio is used to generate the log stream and the control stream, then the default control stream has the name of sourceName.
TimestampLocation (Optional) Indicates the location of the timestamp to include in the archive. This timestamp may be the first or the last column in the destination table, or can alternatively set to none. First and last columns locations are appended, while none timestamp locations are not be used in archival process.


<Archive target="DestinationName"
Element Definition
DestinationName ID of the<SybaseIQ> element, which describes the target database server.
CollectionName ID of the <Streams> element, which defines information about the Event Stream Processor streams to be archived.
WindowsDirPath Location that esp_iqloader uses to manage the intermediate archive data files, using Windows conventions. It is used when Sybase IQ is running on a Windows server and the Event Stream Processor is running on a UNIX or Linux server because this directory is shared between Sybase IQ and the Event Stream Processor.
WorkingDirPath Location that esp_iqloader uses to manage the intermediate archive data files. If it does not exist, this directory is automatically created. If no directory name is provided, the default value is archiveTemp in the current directory.
TimestampColumnName Name of the timestamp column in the target table that esp_iqloader uses to store the time the archive executable processed a record.
LogDirPath Path name where the LOAD TABLE statement of the bulk load executable places its log files. This directory is created if it does not exist. Provide the appropriate option for the LOAD TABLE statement in the <SybaseIQ> element for the LOAD TABLE statement to generate the logs in this directory.