Trace Mode

In trace mode, the Event Stream Processor performs extra checks for possible debugging operations and breakpoints, and collects extra information about execution history.

Use the esp_client utility to enable, disable, and the check the status of trace mode.

For example, in an instance of esp_client, check the status of trace mode, turn it on, check the status again, then turn it off:

For example, in an instance of esp_client, check the status of Trace Mode, turn it on, check the status again, then turn it off:
esp_client> trace_mode
trace mode is off
esp_client> trace_mode on
esp_client> trace_mode
trace mode is on
esp_client>trace_mode off
trace mode is off

Trace mode is not associated with any instance of esp_client: you can turn on trace mode and exit esp_client; the Event Stream Processor remains in trace mode until you turn it off in another instance of esp_client.