Creating the Demo Database

SAP Sybase IQ includes a demo database that includes sample data about a fictional company that sells athletic clothing. Scripts that create and load the demo database are installed as part of SAP Sybase IQ Server Suite.

These instructions differ from those in the Installation and Configuration Guide. This task creates the demo database with an absolute path in a temporary directory named MyIQDemo.

  1. Change to the %SYBASE% directory.
  2. Create a subdirectory named MyIQDemo.
    This is the temporary directory for the demo database. The full path to this directory is: .
  3. Change to MyIQDemo.
  4. Enter:
    "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SybaseIQ\demo\mkiqdemo"  -absolute

    The -absolute switch creates the demo database with an absolute path, which is required to convert the demo database to multiplex. For other options, enter:

    "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SybaseIQ\demo\mkiqdemo" -help
  5. Start the demo database:
    start_iq @iqdemo.cfg iqdemo.db