Defining the Multiplex Server

Use Add Secondary Servers wizard to convert a single server to multiplex.

You will need the user name and password for the SCC agent administrator supplied during SCC installation.
The Quick Start uses the placeholder <localhost> to identify the host. When you see this placeholder in any instruction, substitute your host name.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select <localhost>_iqdemo and choose Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers.
  3. Select the server <localhost>_iqdemo.
  4. Hover over the server, click the arrow to the right of the server name and select Add Secondary Servers.
  5. Type a name for the new multiplex. For this Quick Start, use <localhost>_iqdemo_mpx.
  6. On the Server Definitions page, click Add and specify options.
    Option Description
    Server name

    This is the name of the first secondary server in your multiplex. This value must be different from server you are converting, which becomes the coordinator server for the multiplex. Use <localhost>_iqdemo_w1.


    Host name for the new write server. Use <localhost>.

    Database path

    Absolute path to database stores. The <pathname> placeholder refers to the path. When you see this placeholder, substitute the full path name.

    For the Quick Start, set the path to <pathname>\MyIQDemo\w1\iqdemo_w1.db.

    SCC agent port

    Port number for the Sybase Control Center agent. Defaults to 9999. If other users run SCC on your system, assign a new port number.

    SCC agent user

    User ID for the Sybase Control Center agent. Use the ID provided during installation.

    SCC agent password

    Password for the Sybase Control Center agent. Use the password provided during installation.

    Public host/port pairs

    Host/port pairs in the format host1:port1,host 2:port2, and so on. The supplied pairs are used by this server for public TCP/IP connections between multiplex servers. Supply a single pair. Use <localhost>:<unique_port_number>.

    Private host/port pairs

    Not applicable for the Quick Start. Leave blank. In production systems, this contains the host name and port number for private TCP/IP connections between multiplex servers.


    Change from Reader to Writer. You will use this node later to load data.


    For the Quick Start, all servers should have status Included. If a server will be shut down for an extended period, exclude that server from the multiplex after shutdown.

    Local temp dbspace path

    Temporary store path.

    For the Quick Start, set the path to <pathname>\MyIQDemo\w1\iqdemo_w1.iqtmp.

    Local temp dbspace size (MB)

    Size, in megabytes, of the temporary IQ store. Deselect Raw device to activate the default (1000).

    Local temp dbspace reserve (MB)

    The amount of space, in megabytes, to reserve for future expansion in the temporary IQ store. Accept the default (300).

    Raw device

    Deselect the check box for the Quick Start.

  7. Click OK and Next.
  8. On the Execution page, click Execute.