About Statistics

Understand availability and performance statistics in SAP Control Center.
The statistics you work with in SAP Control Center can be divided into two types:

SAP Control Center includes predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) for each product module; these KPIs are grouped into collections. KPIs such as server status, which serves as an availability statistic when it is fresh, have long-term value as historical performance statistics.

Availability statistics appear on the heat chart and on resource monitoring screens in each product module.

Performance statistics appear on the statistics chart and on resource monitoring screens in each product module.

Some KPIs are included in the default collection for each product module. To make other KPIs available to the heat chart, statistics chart, and resource monitoring views, you must set up collection jobs in the scheduler. See the data collections help topic for information on data collections and the KPIs contained in them.

Several configuration options affect the collection and display of data in SAP Control Center:
Related reference
Replication Data Collections
Key Performance Indicators and Key Performance Areas for Replication