Logical Connection View Details

The columns on the Logical Connection view show different information about the logical connections of a Replication Server.

Column Description
Name The DBID (database ID) for the current logical connection.

The state of the current logical connection. The possible values are:

  • Active
  • Switching Active Connection
  • Creating Standby Connection
Active Connection The DBID, the data server, and the database name for the current active database.
Active State

The state of the active connection's RepAgent thread. The possible values are:

  • Active
  • Suspended
Standby Connection The DBID, the data server, and the database name for the current standby database.
Standby State

Shows the Data Server Interface (DSI) state of the standby connection. The possible values are:

  • Active
  • Suspended
Inbound Queue The name of the inbound queue for a logical connection.
Related tasks
Displaying SAP Replication Server Status
Displaying Logical Connection Status
Hiding Connection Thread Status
Displaying Queue Status
Displaying Route Status