Displaying RepAgent Thread Status in Adaptive Server

View the RepAgent thread status in an Adaptive Server, either single instance or shared disk cluster, for replication.

Register and add all the servers to be monitored to the Perspective Resources view, authenticate them, and verify that you have permission to perform this task.
  1. From the Perspective Resources view, select an Adaptive Server and click Resource > Monitor .
    The Replication Agent Thread Monitor appears. You can view the status of an Adaptive Server RepAgent thread in the displayed table with its name and the controlling Replication Server information.
  2. (Optional) To maximize or minimize a window within the monitor view, click the maximize or restore window icon in its right corner.
Related tasks
Displaying SAP Replication Agent Status
Suspending or Resuming a Replication Agent or Mirror Replication Agent
Starting or Stopping an Adaptive Server RepAgent Thread