Role Assignment in Sybase Control Center for Replication

In Sybase Control Center for Replication version 3.2.3, you no longer need to grant special roles for administrative or monitoring privileges on the Replication Server.

Sybase Control Center automatically assigns repMonitorRole and repAdminRole privileges to users who have sa permission, and repAdminRole privileges to users who have create object permission on Replication Server. The same roles are automatically assigned to users when they successfully authenticate a Replication Agent resource.

Sybase Control Center automatically assigns aseMonitorRole privileges to users who have mon_role, and aseAdministratorRole privileges to users who have sa_role privileges on an Adaptive Server Replication Only resource. After successful resource authentication, these assigned roles let users perform monitoring and administrative tasks on the server.

Sybase Control Center validates roles every 30 minutes. The Monitor option is unavailable from the Perspective Resources window until the resource is authenticated.