Setting password complexity checks

Table 3-2: Password complexity checks

Password checks and policies for Adaptive Server authentication

Configuration parameters specified using sp_configure

Password complexity options specified using sp_passwordpolicy

Per-login overrides specified using alter login

Password expiration

system-wide password expiration

system-wide password expiration

password expiration

Digits in password

check password for digit

min digits in password


Alphabetic characters in password


min alpha in password


Password length

minimum password length

minimum password length

min passwd length

Failed logins lockout

maximum failed logins

maximum failed logins

max failed attempts

Disallow simple passwords


disallow simple passwords


Special characters in password


min special char in password


Uppercase letters in password


min upper char in password


Lowercase letters in password


min lower char in password


Password expiration warning interval


password exp warn interval


Resetting your password at first login


expire login


Custom password complexity checks




Set the password complexity options at the:

Because you can set password configuration options on a global and per-login basis, and using old and new parameters, the order of precedence in which the password options is applied is important.

When applying password options, the order of precedence is:

  1. Existing per-login parameters

  2. Password complexity options

  3. Existing global password options


Example 1

Example 1 Creates a new login and sets the minimum password length for “johnd” to 6:

create login johnd with password complex_password min
      password length '6'

These global options for login “johnd” create two minimum password length requirements for login “johnd”, and sets restrictions about digits in the password:

sp_configure 'minimum password length', '8'
sp_configure 'check password for digit', 'true'
sp_passwordpolicy 'set', 'min digits in password', '2'

If you then try to alter the password for login “johnd”:

alter login johnd with password complex_password modify password 'abcd123'

Adaptive Server checks the password in the following order:

  1. Per-login existing options check: minimum password length must be greater than 6. This is true and the check passes.

  2. New options: minimum digits in password must be greater than 2. This is true and the check passes.

  3. Existing global options: minimum password length specified here is not checked because there is already a per-login check for the login “johnd”.

  4. The check password for digit option is redundant because it is already checked when the minimum number of digits is turned on and set to 2.

Once Adaptive Server checks the designated sequence, and the new password for login “johnd” passes these checks, the password is successfully change.

Example 2

Example 2 If you enter the following for user “johnd”, Adaptive Server first checks the per-login existing options, and determines the minimum password length is set to 6, but that you have attempted to alter the password to use only 4 characters:

alter login johnd with password complex_password modify
      password abcd

The check fails, and Adaptive Server prints an error message. Once one password complexity check fails, no additional options are checked.

Example 3

Example 3 Creates a new login with the following password configuration options and sets the minimum password length for login johnd to 4:

create login johnd with password complex_password min 
      password length 4

This is a per-login, existing option. When you add the following, you have created a global requirement that the minimum number of digits for a password must be 1:

sp_passwordpolicy 'set', 'min digits in password', '1'

If you then attempt to alter the password for login johnd as follows:

alter login johnd with password complex_password modify 
      password abcde

Adaptive Server performs the checks in the following order:

  1. Per-login existing options check: the minimum password length of a new password is 4. The password “abcde” is greater than 4, so this check passes.

  2. New global requirement check: the minimum digits in a password is set to 1, globally. This check fails.

Adaptive Server does not change the password and prints an error message.

To alter a password, all the checks must pass.