Auditing login and login profile commands

When auditing login and login profile commands, the full text is placed in the extrainfo column, with sensitive parameters masked out.

The following is an example of an audit record for a create login statement:

create login test1 with passwd joe default database master
select event,extrainfo from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01 where event=103
event extrainfo
103 sa_role sso_role oper_role sybase_ts_role; create login test1 with passwd ****** default database master; ; ; ; ; sa/ase; 

The following is an example of an audit record for a create login statement with a declare statement for the varchar @pass:

declare @pass varchar(30)
select @pass = "greatSecret"
create login test3 with passwd @pass default database master
select event,extrainfo from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01 where event=103
event extrainfo
103 sa_role sso_role oper_role sybase_ts_role; create login test3 with passwd @pass default database master; ; ; ; ; sa/ase; 

The following is an example of an audit record for a create login statement with an encrypted password:

create login test4 with encrypted passwd 0xc00749c449a5dd4922a59b025c605c80efe26a9235710e18b4eedb31b32edae356d57a4d86a57388f73c default database master
select event,extrainfo from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01 where event=103
event extrainfo
103 sa_role sso_role oper_role sybase_ts_role; create login test4 with encrypted passwd ****** default database master; ; ; ; ; sa/ase;

The following is an example of an audit record for an alter login statement modifying the password:

alter login test1 with passwd joe123 modify passwd myPass123
select event,extrainfo from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01 where event=138
event extrainfo
138 ; alter login test1 with passwd ****** modify passwd ******; ; ; ; ; test1/ase;

The following is an example of an audit record for the login profile joe_lp:

create login profile joe_lp
alter login profile joe_lp modify default database "sybsystemprocs"
drop login profile joe_lp
select event,extrainfo from sybsecurity..sysaudits_01 where event in (137, 140, 141)
event extrainfo
138 ; sa_role sso_role oper_role sybase_ts_role; create login profile vivekk_lp; ; ; ; ; sa/ase;
140 ; sa_role sso_role oper_role sybase_ts_role; alter login profile vivekk_lp modify default database "sybsystemprocs"; ; ; ; ; sa/ase;
141 ; sa_role sso_role oper_role sybase_ts_role; drop login profile vivekk_lp; ; ; ; ; sa/ase;