High-availability support for password policy options

The Adaptive Server high-availability functionality synchronizes these password policy options between primary and secondary servers:

Adaptive Server uses a “password policy” quorum attribute to check the inconsistency of values on both the primary and secondary servers. A high-availability advisory check succeeds when all those value are the same on both servers, and fail when the values differ. For example:

sp_companion "MONEY1", do_advisory, 'all'
Attribute Name   Attrib Type  Local Value  Remote Value  Advisory
--------------   -----------  -----------  -----------  ------
expire login     password po   1            0            2
maximum failed   password po   3            5            2
min alpha in pa  assword po   10           12            2

A value of 2 set in the advisory column of the output indicates that the user cannot proceed with the cluster operation unless the values on both the companions match.

The output of sp_companion do_advisory also indicates the inconsistency in any of the particular password policy checks on both servers.