Locked roles and syssrvroles

You can configure a role to lock automatically after a certain number of failed role-activation attempts using the max failed_logins option, or manually using alter role rolename lock. Adaptive Server stores information about locked roles in the syssrvroles system table:

Adaptive Server resets these to NULL when a role is unlocked.

The values and descriptions are:

Values for lockreason

Value for locksuid

Description of lockreason of role



Role has not been locked


suid of caller of alter role

Role locked by suid by manually executing alter role rolename lock


suid of user whose last attempted role activation led to the role getting locked

Role locked by Adaptive Server due to failed-role activation attempts reaching maximum number of failed logins

NoteIf you are using high availability functionality, both the primary and companion servers are updated when you update the syssrvroles columns.