Database user usedb_user

By default, the database user account usedb_user is added to each database. When granular permissions is enabled, a user accessing a database will assume the user name usedb_user if the user is granted the use database privilege on the database, and the following conditions apply to the user:

The following rules apply to the user account usedb_user:

Allowing a user to access a database as usedb_user will provide the user the ability to execute a server-wide privilege in a database without being added as a valid user in the database.

For example, Bob is a valid user in master database, but not a valid user for database db1 which does not have a guest user account. Bob has manage security permissions privileges in the master database.

To allow Bob to execute manage security permissions in db1, a user with manage server permissions privilege can issue:

grant use database on db1 to bob 

Bob can now access database db1 and issue the commands to grant manage any encryption key privileges to user Alice:

use db1
grant manage any encryption key to alice

Adaptive Server records the grantor of manage any encryption key in sysprotects as the user ID of usedb_user.