Creating server directory entries

Adaptive Server accepts client logins and server-to-server RPCs. The address and port numbers where Adaptive Server accepts connections are configurable so you can specify multiple networks, different protocols, and alternate ports.

In the interfaces file, SSL is specified as a filter on the master and query lines, whereas security mechanisms such as Kerberos are identified with a SECMECH line. The following example shows an entry for an Adaptive Server using SSL in a UNIX environment:

master tcp ether myhostname  myport ssl
query  tcp ether myhostname   myport ssl

An entry for the server with SSL and Kerberos security mechanisms on Windows might look like:

query=nlwnsck, myhostname,myport,ssl
master=nlwnsck, myhostname,myport,ssl

The SECMECH line in the example contains an object identifier (OID) that refers to the security mechanism Kerberos, respectively. The OID values are defined in:

In these examples, the SSL security service is specified on port number myport).

NoteThe use of SSL concurrently with a SECMECH security mechanism is intended to facilitate migration from SECMECHs to SSL security.