Defining a stale period

stale period is an attribute of login profiles which indicates the duration a login account is allowed to remain inactive before being locked due to inactivity. If the login profile track lastlogin attribute is not set to 0 and the login account is not exempt from locking due to inactivity, then the syslogins.lastlogindate and syslogins.pwdate fields are checked to determine inactivity during the login process or during the execution of sp_locklogin.When login accounts are locked due to in activity, the locksuid, lockreason and lockdate fields in syslogins will be set as follows:

Value of lockreason

Value for locksuid

Description of lockreason of account



Account locked automatically due to inactivity.

If a High Availability solution is setup, the syslogins.lastlogindate and syslogins.pwdate are synchronized on both the servers. Login accounts locked on one server are also locked on the companion server.