Altering Tables with Compressed LOB Datatypes

Use alter table command to enable or disable a table's compression.

  1. Select a compression level to determine the compression strategy for the table:
    Option Description
    Compression level Strategy
    1 - 9, where 9 provides the best compression ratio but heaviest CPU usage Higher compression ratio (ZLib algorithm)
    100 or 101 Lower CPU usage and execution time (FastLZ algorithm)
  2. Alter a LOB table's compression level using:
    alter table table_name
    add column_name datatype ...
    [compressed = compression_level | not compressed]
    | set  
      [, lob_compression = off | compression_level ]
    | modify column_name ...
      [compressed = compression_level | not compressed ]
This alters the compression level of the titles table to row:
alter table titles set compression = row