Known Issues for Extract and Load Projects

There are known issues for Extract and Load projects that require workarounds, when available.

Extract and Load Project Issues
CR# Description

Oracle large object data loads incorrectly using Oracle 10g Client for Oracle 11g Server.

Oracle 11g CLOB and NCLOB data may not load correctly if the connect descriptor used to read the LOB data is from an Oracle 10g Client installation.

Workaround: To load Oracle 11g CLOB and NCLOB data, use a connect descriptor from an Oracle 11g Client installation.


Multiple writers cannot be used at target IQ for a restartable EL project.

Setting the restartable property for an EL project disables the use of multiple writers in a target IQ multiplex environment. The use of multiple writers is only permitted when the EL project is not restartable.

Workaround: None.


Read from IQ source fails for large objects larger than 2GB.

IQ fails to read large objects larger than 2GB and returns an error similar to:
Query returns long binary data > 2GB. Use series of substring64()

Workaround: Keep the size of source LOBs under 2GB.


Remote server information not retrieved from target IQ database.

Sybase IQ InfoPrimer Development may not retrieve information about remote servers defined in a destination IQ database when an Insert Location interface is specified for an Extract and Load project. If this happens, no database names or schema names from remote servers defined in the target IQ database are displayed in the Database or Schema drop-downs of the Source tab for the project, and no source table names are displayed in the Tables tab.

Workaround: Manually enter the database and schema names in the Source tab.

646595, 646443

Extract and Load project fails with remote Microsoft SQL Server or IBM DB2 Source.

An Extract and Load project may fail to execute and load data into destination tables if you select INSERT LOCATION as the interface and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or IBM DB2 as the source database.

Workaround: Test the SQL for the INSERT LOCATION first on IQ server. If the SQL works for IQ server, it should work in an Extract and Load project.